· case studies
Orion Health
How Orion Health was able to support population health management in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight with Amadeus and HSCN connectivity.
The Challenge
Integration of the Amadeus platform with GP practice systems from EMIS
Access to the live EMIS data was only available through a HSCN connection
Vendor solutions for HSCN connectivity but all were proving very heavy weight with long lead times which would delay the project
Setting out to achieve the aims of the NHS Long Term Plan, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care System (ICS) was formed with a priority plan to accelerate the introduction of new models of care in the various communities in the region and deliver a radical upgrade in prevention, early intervention and self-care for its 1.9 million population.
As part of this priority plan, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight ICS worked together with Orion Health to implement Amadeus, Orion Health’s platform for advanced population health management and precision medicine. The platform, designed to aggregate patient-centric data types from both local and third party sources, would enable clinicians in the region to make better informed decisions and improve patient care and outcomes.
One of the features which Hampshire and the Isle of Wight ICS specifically needed from the Amadeus platform was an integration with GP practice systems through EMIS. Orion Health was confident that access to EMIS was available across the public internet, however late in the project delivery it was discovered that access to the live EMIS data was only available through a Health & Social Care Network (HSCN) connection. Orion Health had been exploring vendor solutions for HSCN connectivity but all were proving very heavy weight with long lead times which would delay the project. A new perspective was needed.
The Solution
End-to-end connectivity platform from Cloud Gateway to connect Orion Health’s solution, built in AWS, to the HSCN
A proof of concept was able to be provisioned in minutes using cloud-native innovation
HSCN connectivity provisioned and onboarded in just 3 days from the first engagement with Orion Health
Following a phased transformation approach, Orion Health had migrated from Amadeus deployments being predominantly on-premise to a cloud-based model, hosting the platform in an Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment. The HSCN connectivity needed to connect the new cloud-hosted platform to the private government network, without delaying the agreed go-live date.
The Cloud Gateway team was able to set up a proof of concept in minutes, using cloud-native platform, Health Connect. A new Health Connect platform with scalable Health & Social Care Network (HSCN) connectivity was fully provisioned in just 3 days from the first engagement. The HSCN connectivity is essential for Orion Health to connect customers to services only available through the HSCN in real-time and without it progress and deployment for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight ICS would have been severely hampered.
The Health Connect platform is compatible with AWS environments, which worked well with Orion Health’s automated deployment tooling in AWS and meant that the two platforms lined up seamlessly for them.
The Impact
Scalable HSCN connectivity from Cloud Gateway provides Orion Health with the capability to deploy at speed
New customer platforms can be deployed effortlessly in just hours with connectivity from Cloud Gateway directly integrated
Orion Health is able to test new development ideas more easily, extending their ability to support patient-centred healthcare in the future
Orion Health is a global leader in healthcare technology with over 18 years’ experience working with the NHS. Hundreds of thousands of clinicians in over 15 countries use their healthcare information technology solutions every day to improve clinical workflow, decision-making and patient care for more than 100 million patients in their award- winning systems.
"The Cloud Gateway team was remarkably proficient at enabling our connectivity to HSCN. Within hours of contacting them, they had understood our current and future connectivity requirements and were able to support both with ease. Their Health Connect solution was more flexible and lighter weight than others on the market, without need for physical infrastructure deployment or complex network segmentation, which allowed us to move very fast."
Orion Health’s Amadeus platform, with secure Health & Social Care Network (HSCN) connectivity from Cloud Gateway, supports population health management and improved collaboration to achieve enhanced patient care and outcomes for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight ICS.
Instantly scalable HSCN connectivity from Cloud Gateway provides Orion Health with the capability to deploy customer solutions at speed. This coupled with the automated deployment tooling and DevOps technology means that an entire production grade environment can be deployed effortlessly in just hours with connectivity from Cloud Gateway directly integrated.
The HSCN connectivity will also benefit other programmes of work in the UK where Orion Health aims to integrate with other interop and digital services only available from the HSCN.
With HSCN connectivity from Cloud Gateway, Orion Health is able to spike and test ideas and development more easily than ever before, extending their ability to support patient-centred healthcare and quality health outcomes that help patients live a healthier life.