· ebooks
Local Council Devolution: Replacing the two-tier system
The Government is aiming to streamline local government services through the planned merger of two-tier authorities across England. The proposal paper sets an ambition to move towards unitary councils across all of England, with areas currently operating as two tiers required to construct merger plans. How might this look, and what's the impact on technology?
Local Council Devolution: Replacing the two-tier system
The biggest local government reform since the 1970's
The Government has published a white paper proposing sweeping reforms to local council structure in England This ebook examines the suggested transition from two-tier to unitary authority systems, and explores the impact on technology on a local, regional and national scale.
The ebook covers:
The Government's proposal and intended impact of devolution
Existing models and exemplar authorities who demonstrate successful devolution in action
A full directory of all 21 two-tier councils affected by devolution plans
Key local government statistics
The impact of devolution on council technology teams
How cloud and networking can support successful government devolution
Unlocking the benefits with Cloud Gateway