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Cloud Gateway PRISM accepted onto G-Cloud 11 framework

We are pleased to announce that our hybrid cloud connectivity platform, Cloud Gateway PRISM, has been accepted onto the G-Cloud 11 framework. This is the third consecutive iteration of the public sector marketplace that Cloud Gateway has appeared on as an approved supplier. We are very proud to work in collaboration with multiple government departments on a range of exciting programmes, and look forward to making similar contributions in 2019 and beyond.

Knowledge Centre

The Government’s ‘Cloud First’ policy formally prioritised the use of cloud technologies by the public sector. Organisations were encouraged to investigate potential cloud solutions “before they consider any other option”, in the pursuit of improved efficiency, and significant cost savings. This stance sparked something of a revolution in cloud usage by the public sector, complemented by a marked increase in understanding and awareness of cloud alternatives. Cloud Gateway PRISM is designed to make it simpler and easier for organisations to consume cloud services, and to migrate tackling to the cloud without being constrained by incumbent vendors or technology. Digital transformation initiatives are now the norm, as businesses recognise the need to be more responsive, flexible and cost conscious. Cloud is now the key focal point for organisations undergoing significant change. PRISM was designed to give back control in the form of a simple platform that enables flexibility to migrate on-premise data centers, legacy applications and workloads to the cloud easily, without impacting users.

"We are thrilled to report that Cloud Gateway PRISM been approved for the G-Cloud 11 framework. Our ability to connect with the PSN gives public sector organisations a platform from which to begin their cloud journey. With that in mind, it was crucial to ensure our product offering is visible to those entities on G-Cloud 11. We look forward to introducing Cloud Gateway to a host of new public sector customers in 2019."
Justin Day / Cloud Gateway CEO


